Student Project Review
Afro Ninja This is my short film from sophomore year. It took a lot of time to make and edit. Afro Ninja was well made and I feel is one of my best works.With my further knowledge now from when I made it I can finally review with a better eye. B story store, casually funny The film is very well when it comes to being continuous all of the shots flow very well. The sound effects are very good and music goes perfectly with the selected shots. Story within the film is very good with a solid B story of getting Doritos and the A story of rescuing the hostage. At the beginning the montage is very funny and creative as well which brings a light and funny attitude to the short film. Jumping over something pointlessly for laughs What could have improved was the ending for sure. The audio clip of the Doritos addict was not as hyped up as it should have been from the build up of the story. Some parts could have used a few more shots, maybe. Overall, the short film was very well...