Mass Shootings on Uprise?
Graph of mass shootings, not including years 2013-2015 This article review is parallel to the recent California mass shooting. This article talks about how mass shootings are becoming more common; however, gun violence has been declining. Hitting on all of the shootings within the last two decades scientists still cannot fully determine what leads to these mass shootings. There is a graph to the left which I provided to show the rise in mass shootings, not including years 2013-2015. The author of this article argues that they have increased over the years but not by a huge amount. The author also talks about how guns make the attacks far more fatal than without. Presenting information over an attack in China in which a man only had a knife and no one was killed in the elementary schools. Could overruling the constitution in the rights to bare arms possibly decrease mass shootings or just cause more problems? In my opinion I believe it would just infuriate more citizens possibly...