Maya Tools
We made this Poly Thing using the Booleans difference tool, by putting cylinders through a sphere and differencing them out. This project though was mainly focused on using lighting and trying out the different lights. There is 6 different lights ambient lights, directional lights, point lights, spot lights, area lights and volume lights. In this project I just used the directional and area light in this project and turned the shadows on only for the directional light.
This is a hammer that was created in Maya using the cut face, extrude, and bevel tools. The cut face tool was used to make the back of the hammer and pull out the separate sides. Next we used the extrude tool to pull out and push in the top parts of the hammer head and the front and back of the hammer head. After that I just added colors and a floor. Also I made a nail from a cylinder and then pulled down the bottom center vertex to make the point and extruded the top.
These fine looking cups were also made in Maya. The tool that was used was
a NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) tool. In which to make these cups I
used the CV curve tool which allows you to set up points in your own shape to
create whatever image you want. After I made the shape I went and revolved the
line I made with the curve tool in the Surfaces revolve. This made the cup from
and then I just added textures to make them look good.
The final project that was made
for this post was a salt shaker. First I made a circle using the curves circle.
I then had to pull in the vertexes to make the design and duplicate them and
make some going up to completely make the salt shakers shape. Next I lofted the
curves that I made to make them into a shape so that I could add textures and
it wasn't just lines. Finally I made the cap and used the vertexes to pull in
points and shape it the way I wanted, after that I put cylinders inside the top
to make holes and differenced them out so that salt was able to come out of the
salt shaker.
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