The Interview

The Interview is a very hysterical movie. From the idea of Kim-Jong Un wanting to be on "Skylark Tonight" to the fact that Dave Skylark and Kim-Jong Un both love to sing along to Katy Perry. It is one of my favorite movies of all time!

Despite the brilliance of the movie it was never released on the big screen. Due to threats from Sony Hackers about unleashing 9/11 like terror if it was released in theaters. Honestly I feel this pullback on the release of them from terrorist threats made more people want to view it. This overall made the film reap in 44 million dollars.

Some people who do not like comedy may not like this movie though. It is very comical and sometimes not just from smartly created jokes but from stupid actions. Overall, the film puts in all forms of comedy to fully encompass the movie in hysterical acts to keep it interesting and funny all around.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves comedies! It's a great time and it is hilarious through the entire film. Anyone who enjoys a good laugh should give The Interview a chance.


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