Curse of Chucky Beat Sheet

Beat Sheet- Curse of Chucky

Opening Scene:
·      Delivery Truck Driving down the Street in a dark and eery night. Putting the movie into a creepy feel from the start. 
Theme Stated: 
·      A doll is out to hunt to get revenge for himself, the demon who possesses him. 
Set Up:
·      A doll was delivered to the house that turns out to be possessed by a murderer's spirit.
·      Nika’s mother is murdered by Chucky. The doll Chucky finally is misplaced and decides to take the opportunity to murder Nika's mother making his first revenge victim.
·      If Nika and her sister want to sell the house to make some quick cash. Nika will not allow her sister to sell the house and then that gives Chucky more time to get his revenge.
Break into Two: 
·      Family arrives to comfort Nika and help her get through her mother's death.
·      The relationship between Alice and Chuck. Alice is Nika's sister's, Alex, daughter and she is young so she just sees Chucky as a nice friendly doll. 
Fun and Games:
·      Chucky plays with Alice the whole time to make them think he wasn’t harmful even though he is a serial killer.
·      The nanny was killed by Chucky before she is putting Alex's daughter to sleep.
Bad Guys Close in:
·      Chucky uses Alice to his advantage and lures Alex into the attic and then murders her.
All is lost:
·      Nika’s sister dies and is thrown down the stairs into Nika where she feels nothing could ever stop Chucky.
Break into Three:
·      A blast of the past, Nika is told a story from Chucky about why he is here murdering everyone in her family breaking it into the third scene.
·      Nika and Chucky fight against each other and Nika manages to survive as the last one in her family.
Final Image:

·      Chucky is completing a soul transferring ritual to put his soul into Alex's daughter making Chucky live on as a murderer forever.


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